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Updates from the youth group. Prayers as they head home tonight. ... See MoreSee Less

Updates from the youth group. Prayers as they head home tonight.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Updates from our youth! ... See MoreSee Less

Updates from our youth!Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Looking good guys. 👍

Happy Ordination Anniversary Fr. Gerry!Don't miss a chance to show Fr. Gerry Hurley of St Paul Catholic Church some ordination anniversary love!!!

Thank you Fr. Hurley, for answering "yes" to God's call. May the Lord bless you abundantly for your generous and devoted service to our diocese.
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Happy Ordination Anniversary Fr. Gerry!

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We love you Father Hurley! Happy anniversary! Thank you so much for your service to the Lord and to our community!

Happy Ordination Anniversary!! You have been truly a blessing to our family. You are a Godly role model to all of us. Gob bless you!!

Happy anniversary! We are so grateful to you and the wonderful community you have built at St. Paul!

Happy Anniversary! So blessed you followed God’s calling!

Happy Anniversary!! You are such a Blessing!! ❤️❤️

Happy Anniversary! We love you!

Happy Anniversary, Father Hurley! You are cherished!

Happy Anniversary and many more happy times. 🙏🏻❤️

Happy anniversary father.

Happy Anniversary, Padre!

Happy Anniversary! We are blessed to have you!

Happy Anniversary Father!!!

Happy Anniversary ❤️

Happy Ordination Anniversary Father Gerry and God bless you!

Happy Anniversary Father

Happy Anniversary!😇🙏🏻😇

Happy Anniversary!!

Happy Anniversary, Father!!

Happy anniversary! Father Hurley is the best! God bless you !!

Happy anniversary my friend

Happy Anniversary!!!

May God continue to bless you. Happy anniversary 🎉

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary, Father!

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Pictures from Monday! Please keep our youth and adults in your prayers this week. ... See MoreSee Less

Pictures from Monday! Please keep our youth and adults in your prayers this week.Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

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Bless them



"In the Sacred Heart, every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. In that divine heart beats God’s infinite love for everyone and for each of us as individuals." – St. John Paul II (1920-2005)

"Do not let the past disturb you. Leave everything in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and begin again with joy." – St. Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
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In the Sacred Heart, every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. In that divine heart beats God’s infinite love for everyone and for each of us as individuals. – St. John Paul II (1920-2005)

Do not let the past disturb you. Leave everything in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and begin again with joy. – St. Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)

Join us tomorrow for our First Friday Healing Mass at 10:00AM followed by Brunch in the FLC Gym.

This will be the last brunch as we break for the summer. Please watch the bulletins for our fall return date.
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Join us tomorrow for our First Friday Healing Mass at 10:00AM followed by Brunch in the FLC Gym.

This will be the last brunch as we break for the summer. Please watch the bulletins for our fall return date.

Feast: June 5

"Isolated missionary groups had penetrated central Germany in earlier times, but not until the eighth century was there a systematic effort to Christianize the vast pagan wilderness. Thirty-six years of missionary labor under difficult and dangerous conditions, ending at last in martyrdom, entitle this good and courageous man to the designation, "Apostle of Germany."

To read the full article click link below:
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Feast: June 5

Isolated missionary groups had penetrated central Germany in earlier times, but not until the eighth century was there a systematic effort to Christianize the vast pagan wilderness. Thirty-six years of missionary labor under difficult and dangerous conditions, ending at last in martyrdom, entitle this good and courageous man to the designation, Apostle of Germany.

To read the full article click link below:
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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.