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October Homilies

October 29, 2017.mp3  Fr. Gerry focuses on today's Gospel of the two greatest commandments given by Jesus. First, Love God. Then, love your neighbor AS yourself (not before yourself). Spend time daily to dwell in the truth that you are deeply valued, loved and treasured you are in Him. Listen to the complete Homily — it is rich!

This Sunday's Readings (October 29) text version  and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (November 5) text version and audio version

There is no recording of Fr. Gerry's Homily on October 22nd
    This Sunday's Readings (October 22) text version and audio version
    Next Sunday's Readings (October 29) text version  and audio version

October 15, 2017.mp3   Reflecting on the Gospel story of the Wedding Feast Matthew 22:1-14   Fr. Gerry reveals that the "wedding garment" is provided at the door. When we enter Mass, do we have an honest desire and openness to change — to allow the Lord to change me and open me to His abundance? It is up to each one of us! What am I willing or unwilling to let go of? Listen to the full Homily and pray about it this week. Then, see what happens next time you go to Mass!

This Sunday's Readings (October 15) text version  and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (October 22) text version and audio version

October 8, 2017.mp3  Fr. Gerry reflects on the challenging Gospel from Matthew (MT 21:33-43) which is directed to all responsible for proclaiming the Gospel —  each one of us! Jesus is teaching us through parables that Salvation comes through relationship with Him, not by the things we do.

This Sunday's Readings (October 8) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (October 15) text version  and audio version

October 1, 2017.mp3  Fr. Gerry reflects on the course of Readings and Gospels we have had over the past several weeks and how they build to today's Gospel MT 21:28-32.  The two sons have very different experiences. Take the journey as if that father and two sons attended St. Paul Parish. Jesus wants us to see our unique purpose in life.

This Sunday's Readings (October 1) text version  audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (October 8) text version and audio version

Fr. Gerry's Weekly Homilies Archive

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"I hope you didn't take it personally, Father", an embarrassed woman said after Mass, "when my husband walked out during your sermon."

"I did find it rather disconcerting," Father replied.

"It's not a reflection on you Father," insisted the woman. "He's been walking in his sleep ever since he was a child."
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I hope you didnt take it personally, Father, an embarrassed woman said after Mass, when my husband walked out during your sermon.

I did find it rather disconcerting, Father replied.

Its not a reflection on you Father, insisted the woman. Hes been walking in his sleep ever since he was a child.

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Join us for BINGO next Friday, Feb. 7th in the Family Life Center Gym. ... See MoreSee Less

Join us for BINGO next Friday, Feb. 7th in the Family Life Center Gym.

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Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be held Sunday, February 9th @ 9:15am in the FLC St. Michael the Archangel Room located on the right hand side of the building. This class is for all parents looking to have a child baptized in the next three months. Please call LeighAnn in the church office, 601-992-9547, to register for this class. ... See MoreSee Less

Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be held Sunday, February 9th @ 9:15am in the FLC St. Michael the Archangel Room located on the right hand side of the building. This class is for all parents looking to have a child baptized in the next three months. Please call LeighAnn in the church office, 601-992-9547, to register for this class.

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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.