Lectio Divina

Praying in the ancient form of Lectio Divina is a wonderful way to allow the Lord to speak to us through His Sacred Word in Scripture.

Watch previous videos of Lectio Live! on YouTube!

Below are written steps and two videos to help you practice this beautiful form of prayer.


  1. Read (Lectio) – Read a passage of Scripture and listen with the ear of your heart for a word or phrases that stands out.
  2. Reflect (Meditatio) – Read the same passage again and meditate on the word or phrase that the Lord is giving you.
  3. Respond (Oratio) – Read the same passage a third time continuing to listen to the word or phrase. Offer a prayer that arises from this reflection.
  4. Rest (Contemplatio) – Read the passage one last time. Simply sit and listen. Rest in God’s presence.

If you have more time, here is a longer version with an added 5th step:

    1. Read (Lectio) – Read a passage of Scripture and listen with the ear of your heart for a word or phrases that stands out.
    2. Reflect (Meditatio) – Read the same passage again and meditate on the word or phrase that the Lord is giving you.
    3. Respond (Oratio) – Read the same passage a third time continuing to listen to the word or phrase. Offer a prayer that arises from this reflection.
    4. Rest (Contemplatio) – Read the passage one last time. Simply sit and listen. Rest in God’s presence.
    5. Run (Actio) – Discern what insight the Lord has given you and how He wants you to put this into action.


Lectio Divinas Prayers Archive

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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.