Ministry – Called to Serve

What is Lay Ministry? 
How might you become involved in serving the Community of St. Paul Parish?
We invite everyone to pray, asking God how He is calling you to serve. We are certain there is a place for you! All training is provided, and each Ministry has a rotating schedule of service. The more people we have involved, the fewer times any one person has to serve, and the richer our Liturgies as each person brings their special gifts to the Altar.

Our main goal is to foster full, active and conscious participation in the Liturgical Celebration in order to encounter the Living God in the Word and Eucharist, then return to the world fulfilling our baptismal call to discipleship. As trained, prayerful Liturgical Ministers, we will help plant that which God will grow.

We want to rejuvenate the deep, spiritual meaning of being a participant in Mass. As St. Augustine said, “Behold what you are. Become who you receive.” Every time we celebrate the Sacred Banquet together, we are fulfilling Jesus’ command to “Do this in memory of Me.” We believe that the Risen Christ is truly present in the Liturgy in the Presider; in the Holy Eucharist as His real presence of Body and Blood; in the Word proclaimed from the Sacred Scriptures; and in the Community gathered in His Name.

We want to rediscover the importance of celebrating with joy, reverence, and essence of the Paschal Mystery. From the time of the apostles, Christians have continually come together to celebrate, to listen to Scripture, and to offer Thanksgiving. The Liturgy is a communal encounter of Christ that brings us all together as a St. Paul Family.

Read through the various ministries below and discern which one is right for you. Feel free to contact the Ministry Leaders with any questions you may have. Thank you for considering joining a Ministry at St. Paul!

More on each Ministry:

  • Altar Server
    • Altar Servers assist the priest on the Altar during the Weekend Masses and Holy Days throughout the year.
    • Open to all Boys and girls who have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion through high school.
    • Contact Deacon Tony Schmidt if interested in this Ministry.
  • Audio/Visual Ministry
    • Assist with running lyrics PowerPoint Presentations during the weekend Masses.
    • Basic computer knowledge needed.
    • One-on-one training
    • Contact Alan Black if interested in this Ministry.
  • Children’s Liturgy
    • Provides a child’s version of Liturgy of the Word, a prayerful service for children ages 2-5 during the 10:30 am Sunday Mass.
    • Open to all adults; this is not a teaching or classroom experience; training and materials are provided; must complete the Protection of Children Training.
    • Contact Renee Borne if interested in this ministry.
    • Read the Children’s Liturgy Training Manual- ATRIUM.pdf
  • Choir
    • Provides a leadership role in all of the singing at the 10:30 Sunday Mass and some Holy Days.
    • Open to all with a desire and ability to make a joyful noise for the Lord. Application and audition required.
    • Choir practice is held on Wednesday evenings.
    • Contact Alan Black if interested in this ministry.
  • Community Leader 
    • Welcomes everyone to the Liturgy, setting the tone and introducing the theme for the Eucharistic Celebration, leading the Prayers of the Faithful and introducing the songs throughout the Mass during the Sunday celebrations and Holy Days.
    • Open to all males and females, any age, with a clear speaking voice and joyful attitude.
    • Contact Mike Simechak if interested in this ministry.
    • Read the Community Leader Training Manual.pdf
  • Eucharistic Minister
    • Administers Holy Communion, the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, to our brothers and sisters in the congregation at all Masses.
    • Open to all men and women who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
    • Contact Lonnie Graeber if interested in this Ministry.
    • Read the Eucharistic Minister Training Manual.pdf
  • Greeter
    • Meets and greets people at the door before Weekend Masses in a joyful, welcoming manner so that everyone feels the Spirit of Christ before they enter the Sanctuary. Also, assist with any special needs as requested.
    • Open to all males and females, any age, with a friendly, joyful attitude.
    • Contact Cecelia Carlton if interested in this ministry.
    • Read the Greeter Training Manual.pdf
  • Lector
    • Proclaims the Word of God in the First and Second Readings of the Mass during the Sunday Eucharistic Celebrations and Holy Days.
    • Open to all males and females, any age, with a clear speaking voice and joyful attitude.
    • Contact Jayne Welch if interested in this ministry.
    • Read the Lector Training Manual.pdf
  • Usher
    • Continues the spirit of Hospitality begun by the Greeters, and helps assure the Liturgical Celebration flows smoothly. Assists people in finding their seats at the beginning of Mass, assists in Communion lines, takes up the collection, distributes the bulletins, and offers personal assistance as needed during the Sunday Eucharistic Celebrations and Holy Days.
    • Open to all males and females, any age, with a friendly, joyful attitude.
    • Contact Cecelia Carlton if interested in this ministry.
    • Read the Usher Training Manual.pdf

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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.