January 29, 2017.mp3 Fr. Gerry speaks on the Beatitudes Jesus presented in the Sermon on the Mount in today's Gospel. (Mt 5:1-12A) How do you see the Beatitudes? Do you see them as impossible ideals? As goals to be achieved? As wishful blessings on those who suffer? Or, as hallmarks of God's Kingdom when it arrives? They are "Be-Attitudes." If we want to BE sons & daughters of God, how different can our ATTITUDE toward the Gospel, toward Him, and toward life make our experience!
This Sunday's Readings (Jan 29) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (Feb 5) text version and audio version
January 22, 2017.mp3 Jesus chose John the Baptist to introduce Him. Fr. Gerry asks us to contemplate who we would ask to introduce us at an important event. It's worth considering. Listen as he explores this idea and helps us see think more deeply in how we see ourselves and others.
This Sunday's Readings (Jan 22) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (Jan 29) text version and audio version
January 15, 2017.mp3 Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. John 1:29-34 Fr. Gerry reflects on John proclaiming God made flesh in our world. Jesus came to bring forgiveness in a totally new way. Not in a ritual, but in a relationship with Him. Rediscover the great Grace of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the loving relationship with Jesus.
This Sunday's Readings (Jan 15) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (Jan 22) text version and audio version
January 8, 2017.mp3 We celebrate the Epiphany as told in Matthew 2:1-12. Epiphany is rolling back the veil on the mystery of the Incarnation of our God who chose to be like us in all things but sin. He came to save ALL people.
This Sunday's Readings (Jan 8) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (Jan 15) text version and audio version
January 1, 2017.mp3 Fr. Gerry gives his first homily of the new year looking toward what 2017 will look like for us as a Parish. Are we really working at believing what we profess? How will my growing relationship with Christ make it different this year? Will my experience of Worship and the Eucharist look like something new this year? The Incarnation came about because God wanted to love us up close, in a real relationship with Him. Do I know Him as God with us?
This Sunday's Readings (Jan 1) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (Jan 8) text version and audio version
"What is most important is that you love her, and what will be most helpful to you is finding the way in which you, with all your uniqueness and individuality, can love her best.”- Fr. Jeremiah Shryock ... See MoreSee Less
The Secret of Mary (Part 4) - SpiritualDirection.com
SPIRITUALDIRECTION- explores Catholic spiritual direction advice and how a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human being based on the wisdom's of the Bible, Church and the saints ...Comment on Facebook
At the beginning of every Mass, the celebrant and congregation greet one another with the exchange “Dominus vobiscum... et cum spiritu tuo / The Lord be with you ... and with your spirit.” Where did this ancient custom originate? ... See MoreSee Less
The History Behind ”The Lord Be With You” | uCatholic
🙏 "The Lord be with you" - do you know the where this ancient blessing comes from? Learn it's unique history! 👉Comment on Facebook
Are you wanting to increase your prayer time this Lent?
Tom and April Hoopes have a prayer challenge for your kids (and maybe for you, too!) that leads them step-by-step to build a daily 15-minute prayer practice for themselves. It takes seven weeks to build and a lifetime to perfect – but the rewards are eternal! ... See MoreSee Less
Teach kids silent meditation with this ‘Prayer Challenge’
This method takes two months of gradually increasing time, but slowly builds to 15 minutes of meditation. Here is how it works. (Great for young people).Comment on Facebook
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Can't wait!!!!
Paula Clark Price
“Throughout the entire history of Christianity, there has never been a saint, and there never will be a saint, who has had only a moderate love for Mary.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock ... See MoreSee Less
The Secret of Mary (Part 3) - SpiritualDirection.com
SPIRITUALDIRECTION- explores Catholic spiritual direction advice and how a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human being based on the wisdom's of the Bible, Church and the saints ...Comment on Facebook
“Mary’s purpose is not only to give birth to Jesus and then disappear into the annals of history.” - Fr. Jeremiah Shryock ... See MoreSee Less
The Secret of Mary (Part 2) - SpiritualDirection.com
SPIRITUALDIRECTION- explores Catholic spiritual direction advice and how a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human being based on the wisdom's of the Bible, Church and the saints ...Comment on Facebook
“By the mystery of this water and wine,” says the priest at every Mass, “may we come to share in the divinity of Christ, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.” These words have a deep meaning, and understanding it starts with the question: Why does the priest put water into wine? ... See MoreSee Less
Why does the priest put water in the wine at Mass?
The liturgical gesture (of Jewish origin) of adding water to the wine is primarily practical. However, the accompanying prayer gives it a symbolic meaning.Comment on Facebook
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