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May 2017 Homilies

May 28, 2017.mp3

This Sunday's Readings (May 28) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (June 4) text version and audio version

May 21, 2017.mp3   (Please note the audio cuts off abruptly with the final sentence, "He has first chosen to love us, and He has loved us unconditionally.")

This Sunday's Readings (May 21) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (May 28) text version and audio version

May 14, 2017.mp3

This Sunday's Readings (May 14) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (May 21) text version and audio version

May 7, 2017.mp3  Today is Good Shepherd Sunday. We hear the teaching of Jesus as the gate for the sheep. We pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood that we may have more shepherds in the Church. In today's Gospel, Peter is teaching about suffering patiently because the Lord brings much good through the pain we suffer.  Fr. Gerry ponders the words, "By His wounds, we are healed." This is the core story of Christianity. 

This Sunday's Readings (May 7) text version and audio version
Next Sunday's Readings (May 14) text version and audio version

Fr. Gerry's Weekly Homilies Archive

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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.