Prayer List – please pray for the following


Joshua Hardee

Emma Grace Nix, daughter of Chris and Angie Nix

Kenny Weikum

Kenneth Hynes

Bill Port

Philip Jabour

Georgia Strickland


Dudley Orgeron, family of Eddie and Renee Borne

Henry Migues, friend of Monica Walton

Matthew Bruner, grandson of Mary Haslob

Francis Brister, sister-in-law of Paula Young

Sonny Thornton, brother-in-law of Monica Walton

Peter Morris, friend of Marion McKee

Amanda Grace Smith, daughter-in-law of Holly Smith

David Gibbs, friend of Selena Swartzsfager

Gerald Creig, father of Janys Canizaro

Gerald Noelle, friend of Maxine Miller

Sister Gema, friend of Maxine Miller

Gerald Creig, father of Janys Canizaro

Joanne Myers (and Family), aunt of Emily Garner

Jesse Spain, friend of Teresa Davis

Theo Bridges, cousin of Joe Daly and son of Theresa Daly Bridges

Carl McGill, brother of Bob Pavolini

Sue Smith, friend of many and wife of Kevin Smith


Alenda Harper, aunt of John David and Daniel Walker

Theresa Kent, sister-in-law of Shearon Simpson

Gary Haslob, brother-in-law of Mary Haslob

Milton Thomas, father of Paul Thomas

Medrick (Rick) John Gaspard, father of Leigh Ann Mangum

Dr. George C. Hamilton, father of Fran Mobley

Joyce Grey, mother of Ted Grey and Gretchen Ware

William (Bill) Jacob Harris, Jr

Rich Lieding, friend of Philip Jabour

                         Herman Ladner, Jr., nephew of Shirley Welch                          (cousin of Kim Manieri)

Kimberly Myers Smith, Cousin of Emily Garner

Seth Reeves, friend of Katherine Guess

Father Brian Carroll

Johnny Borg, brother of Shirley Garrard

Betsy Pagent, Friend of Kim Walker

George Andelfinger, uncle of Barbara Meadows

Charlie O’Connor, friend of Fr. Gerry Hurley

Eileen McNelis, godmother of Maura McDevitt

Margaret Shultis, mother of Charles Shultis

Joseph Kuriger Jr., brother of Mike Kuriger 

Rosemary Merriman, grandmother of Olivia Webb

Patsy Mae Reiss, mother-in-law of Donna Reiss

Bubba Allen, uncle of Amber Earles

James Barber, Sr., father of Joel Barber

Phillip Laster, friend of Jacob Garner

Marge Ackroyd, sister of Jo Bowden

Katheryn Duguay

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Join us for BINGO next Friday, Feb. 7th in the Family Life Center Gym. ... See MoreSee Less

Join us for BINGO next Friday, Feb. 7th in the Family Life Center Gym.

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I can’t wait

Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be held Sunday, February 9th @ 9:15am in the FLC St. Michael the Archangel Room located on the right hand side of the building. This class is for all parents looking to have a child baptized in the next three months. Please call LeighAnn in the church office, 601-992-9547, to register for this class. ... See MoreSee Less

Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be held Sunday, February 9th @ 9:15am in the FLC St. Michael the Archangel Room located on the right hand side of the building. This class is for all parents looking to have a child baptized in the next three months. Please call LeighAnn in the church office, 601-992-9547, to register for this class.

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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.