Religious Ed & Youth

Children’s Sacrament Guidelines

All Sunday Morning Classes, Wednesday Evening Classes & Children’s Liturgy are on Summer Break!

Stay tuned for Big Deal Summer activities!!!

Baptism for Infants and Children: Baptism Preparation class is offered to all parents four times throughout the year.  This one-hour class prepares parents for the significance and importance of having a child baptized.  This is a group class giving families a chance to meet other new parents in the parish and to ask questions.  Upon completion of the class, baptisms may be scheduled by contacting the church office. Our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Religious Education Program begins at age 3.

Our First Communion (Eucharist) and Reconciliation preparation is a two-year process for children. The process typically starts in first grade, with the student receiving First Reconciliation and First Communion in second grade.  Students should be involved in our Religious Education program one year prior to beginning their preparation.

  • Families are encouraged and expected to attend Mass every weekend.
  • Students are required to attend religious education classes through our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program on Sunday mornings.
  • Students and parents will be required to attend retreats and other meetings to complete the Sacramental preparation.
  • If a child is enrolled in Catholic School, they will typically receive Sacramental Preparation at their school.
  • If a child is older than third grade age, parents should contact the CRE to arrange a preparation plan for that child.

Our Confirmation preparation is a two-year process for our teens.  Typically, preparation for the sacrament begins in the tenth grade. Students need to be actively involved in our Religious Education program at least one year prior to beginning their preparation. Confirmation is received after the second year of instruction at the end of the student’s eleventh grade year. Requirements for Confirmation preparation are as follows:

  • Fully participate in the preparation set forth by St. Paul Catholic Church (this includes weekly Big Deal gatherings and other planned events).
  • Attend Mass every weekend.
  • Students and parents will be required to attend retreats and other meetings to complete the Sacramental preparation.
  • Volunteer to serve in a ministry in our parish.
  • Attend the Confirmation Retreat.
  • Complete a final reflection letter to the bishop prior to the Confirmation Mass.
  • If a teenager is enrolled in Catholic School, they will attend religious education classes through their parish and participate in the two-year preparation.

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What a beautiful picture of a mother with her child. Mary looks like she is thankful for her special son. What a gift!

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Don't forget: Mass will be in the Family Life Center Gym starting this weekend! ... See MoreSee Less

Dont forget: Mass will be in the Family Life Center Gym starting this weekend!

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That is fantastic!

Love this picture of Mary and Jesus laughing 😂

What a beautiful picture!!!!!

This is the best ever!

Love St. Paul’s

Absolutely love this pic!

Wow , love this

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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.