Religious Ed & Youth

December Events

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December 4: Youth Angel Tree & Dinner

      Youth will meet at 5:00 in FLC, go over to church and select name from tree & go shopping.  Everyone will go out for dinner afterwards.

 December 11:  Big Deal Pancake Breakfast

     Fundraiser for ski trip.  Youth will prepare and serve breakfast.

 December 18:  Ski Trip Info Meeting (3:30 pm)

     All those going on ski trip in January should attend.

 Big Deal Christmas Party (5:00 pm)

     Tacky  Sweater Contest & gift swap.  Everyone is to bring a gift valued at $10 or less.

Wednesday the 21st or 28th – Big Deal will not meet for Christmas break.

Sunday the 25th – No class.  Christmas Break

Religious Ed & Youth Archive

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What a beautiful picture of a mother with her child. Mary looks like she is thankful for her special son. What a gift!

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Don't forget: Mass will be in the Family Life Center Gym starting this weekend! ... See MoreSee Less

Dont forget: Mass will be in the Family Life Center Gym starting this weekend!

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That is fantastic!

Love this picture of Mary and Jesus laughing 😂

What a beautiful picture!!!!!

This is the best ever!

Love St. Paul’s

Absolutely love this pic!

Wow , love this

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Our St. Paul logo was designed by fellow parishioner Lori Brechtel, a graphic designer. Lori put great thought and detail into its design. She began by seeking out a symbol of our church that would be readily identifiable to all of our members - the circular, quartered round window on our building.

The yellow, starbust portion represents the light of Christ that blinded Paul, and that light which we show to each other among our congregation, and others. it is "bursting" from the confines of our own church and radiating into the world.